Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This look BOTAK!!

This is the headline in today's paper .... 学生纷缺课·上班族请假 大山脚多区水灾.

Has anyone wonder why?? Look at this picture... that will give you an answer why the weather is so hot and it's getting hotter and hotter.
The sunlight is like burning your skin and it was like directly from the sun... and that kind of weather is actually making everyone fall sick if none of us drinks enough of water.
And I wonder why would all the properties developers builts so many of houses for? One will say, build more for the rakyat, the other will say, built for the needies... Come on, let's face the fact that, there are many out there are more of building it for money!
Look at the prices now in the market, some has rises to even half a million and some even 1 million per unit, with only 22" x 60" sq.ft.
Prices hike up, reason given from these people was materials cost went up, we only earn a little bit... would the world believe it?
Am sure many do not believe, but none of the people here do protest, right?
Have they ever understand that global is getting warmer and warmer???

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