Sunday, February 24, 2008

男人 MAN!

正如肥姐沈殿霞的前夫鄭少秋在欣宜幾個月大的時候, 還不是為了官晶華離開了肥姐。現在人都已經死了, 他也不送肥姐最後一程。表面上的理由是欣宜不想她的父親操勞過度。可是對我們局外人來說, 他實在無情。

男人真的那麼多心嗎? 自古以來男人就被形容是無情負心的人。如果不是我自己親眼看到自己尊重的長輩也如此, 我想這世界上的男人也可算是百分之一百的好男人。

自從他的妻子揭發他的婚外情之後, 他盡然否認自己過錯, 反過來說是他的妻子並沒有盡妻子的責任。如果妻子的責任是提供性服務而不是為了那個家, 我想這女人要不要也沒什麼重要。就算自己的妻子沒有盡妻子的責任也不至於做丈夫的可以在外頭亂搞一團糟的權力。

做一個男人, 即承認自己犯了錯誤, 也必須覺悟和拯救自己的婚姻而不是滔滔不絕地談。這所謂的長輩甚至可以胡說八道, 也搞到家人和親戚一團糟。他盡然說是他妻子給他的壓力而搞到他自己承認這一切。他也說過, “如果Lingam 可以否認這一切, 他也可以。”


他也無意於悔改, 這也造成兒女們各各有神經衰弱症。他也好像不打算終止那一份情。是問這男人還是男人嗎?

男人就是頂不住那外面的誘惑, 而造成家庭破裂。自己不承認自己的過失反而責備和譴責妻子沒盡責任。因為這個緣故也造成許多的單身女性對婚姻有恐懼感。

如今我對這所謂的長輩也完完全全的沒有了那敬意。至少陳冠希有誠意嘗試對社會作個道歉, 至以這所謂的長輩, 只懂得說得天花亂墜的謊話。我真的好想看這所謂的長輩以後的日子如何過? 難道這所謂的長輩完全沒有受到良心責備嗎?



Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chinese New Year

Few more days to new year…
Those that married, have you prepared your gifts to your in law and your parents?
Those that married, have you changed all the new notes for ang pow?

Those that single, what would be your resolution for the new year?

I got to know from Lilian’s blog that now that the market is so bad that some Chinese store don’t even have the crowd to purchase the imported Chinese goods. Am quite surprise to hear that, cuz, by this time, especially Kwong Tuck that located in Campbell Street would have lots of people grabbing their stuff and by now most of the imported Chinese goods are nearly sold off.

I was surprised when I did my new year shopping 2 weeks ago, Cold Storage in Gurney Plaza don’t even have abalone. I was wondering myself, was I too early or the shipment was late to deliver?

This year, many predictors have predicted will be a tough year, for all we know every year would be a tough year. It’s all depends on us how we look at things, don’t we?

If we kept complaining about days and years and life and work, well, obviously that’s a tough year to go thru, isn’t it?

Life has been not easy for many people… it’s all depends on how we take our lives to be negative or positive.

As for the market, it’s all depends on the consumers. How they transform the market to be. Due to high demand many seafood is selling at high price now, a kilo fresh prawns could sell at RM80. How many of us could afford? Many sellers are taking this opportunity to earn, for example festival cookies… people are making a bunch of it. Some will give an excuse for saying this is only once a year.

Well, what can you say?? Can’t we say much don’t we?