Thursday, January 1, 2009

She's gone

She’s gone.
Today in the morning.

SPCA took her to the vet, vet explained what causes all these, 1st it’s because of her weak heart and causes her lung infection. With that, blood didn’t circulate till the bottom part of her body, thus her legs are not able to stand up or move. And with that, lots of midgets in her body and biting her organs. And all that causes her in pain.

The vet gotta give her 3 injections and put her to sleep.

I really do not know what to say and what to do, apart from blogging it out so that I can let it out from my chest.

It’s pain. Real pain, though it’s a dog! But the years of attachment isn’t that easy to wipe away, no to mention about human being.

This would be my new year day… next year, I’ll remember what had happened for today. It’s like ‘Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah’.

I know this is part of life, but please allow me to cry for her for few more hours, days, …?

Do you believe incarnation? I just wish her can have a better life next …


Little Inbox said...

It's better to let her go than to let her continues suffering, right? We wish her all the best in her next life. Don't think too much. It's a relief for her.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with Little Inbox. It is better for her to go! Anyway, you are a good master...! It is the wise choice thta you have made to let her sleep for peace!


Mummy In Vain said...

Hope u overcome ur grief. We all wish that ur dog leads a better life round.

Anonymous said...

Sleep in peace, sleep in peace.