These days been so tied up at work and also have nothing to blog about. In fact, am neglecting this blog of mine….
Well, a few days ago, when I was about to leave for an appointment, noticed there’s a row of wild mushrooms growing along the tree trunks. I have never seen this before and find this something really wonderful (perhaps that’s not the word, huh) thus, decided to grab my camera and took the picture of it.

Isn’t this nice to see… the nature, the life, the environment… 大自然現象, 野生狀態, 野生生命力…
Well, a few days ago, when I was about to leave for an appointment, noticed there’s a row of wild mushrooms growing along the tree trunks. I have never seen this before and find this something really wonderful (perhaps that’s not the word, huh) thus, decided to grab my camera and took the picture of it.

Isn’t this nice to see… the nature, the life, the environment… 大自然現象, 野生狀態, 野生生命力…