Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Life is Fragile (II)

What was your reaction when you heard someone that you know die of unknown caused? When I heard of this, I couldn’t believe it and I was speechless.

This was happened to a friend of mine, and the demised is my friend’s brother.

With this sudden news, the more I believe, LIFE IS FRAGILE.
Enjoy your day, enjoy our life.
Enjoy every moment with your love ones and spend QUALITY time with them.
No one would know what will happen one of these days and no one could turn back the clock.
Love your health like how you love yourself.



yaya...agree agree...never have the feeling of "nvm la, i try it 2moro"

u alwiz blog on life experience which i feel many ppl should know more about this blog. besides, i've grab some screen shot from your blog and post it, hope u don't mind ya~

Cat Cat said...

My sister's classmate passed away 2 weeks ago.. He was only 40 and died of heart attack... So young, kan..??? I agree with you, life is indeed very fragile..