Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Woman, do you know how to change tire?

Few of us were having lunch today. Normally during lunch break, we just wanna voiced out whatever frustrations that we had in the morning and pour out in the afternoon. That will balance up our stress level. [LOL]

Anyway, we were talking something about woman's equality, woman's right... yet, woman will like to act as if they are weak and not able to perform many things like changing tire, sending car for servicing, driving a car, etc.

And my two other colleagues that sitting right in front of me that kept telling why should we tell our husband that we know all these and even my boss also told me that we women need not know how to change tire. Automatically men will come forward and help.

Well, isn't that simple that men will come forward and help?? That's my question.

At times, am just thinking women shouldn't act as if you're weak and you're not able to do this and that... even in front of your husband or your boyfriend. In fact, they are more impress if you could show them your capability, though you may think the men will take you for granted.... even so, would you allow them to do so then??

In such generation, or now society, man and woman ought to learn to compromise and learn from each other. That's not the time of taking each other for granted. Right?

I just couldn't believe that my colleague would say something like that... why would I bother, let my husband fix it for me lah... things like that... well, I asked, what if he's not around or out of town. Guess how she answered me, oh no problem on that, he has left all the important numbers for us and who to contact if car breaks down.

When I heard this, honestly, I wanted to faint.

Am I too strong in my personality or I was too arrogant about it? Should we woman do our own thing and not to be a weak person? Of course, neither do we want to be a strong person.

I know I am contradicting in one way or another, but still to certain extend we should show our capability in doing things, and at certain extend, if we can't do it sure we'll voice it out, don't we?

But why would women in the world wants to act as if changing tire is not their business??

[Sigh] Honestly, I don't quite support the fact that woman doesn't know how to change tire. To me, woman ought to learn, why... simple... learn something for rainy days, when needed, ....


Life is Fragile (II)

What was your reaction when you heard someone that you know die of unknown caused? When I heard of this, I couldn’t believe it and I was speechless.

This was happened to a friend of mine, and the demised is my friend’s brother.

With this sudden news, the more I believe, LIFE IS FRAGILE.
Enjoy your day, enjoy our life.
Enjoy every moment with your love ones and spend QUALITY time with them.
No one would know what will happen one of these days and no one could turn back the clock.
Love your health like how you love yourself.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Does your husband like shopping??

I actually read Cat Cat's blog and she was posting something about good deal and hubby took pictures of those that they bought and he's good in shopping... and that came to my mind and I thought why not blog about it....

So, how many of your husband or boyfriend loves shopping?? Or, they loves shopping during courting time, after married, they rather stay at home?

I actually know a few couples that their husband rather stay at home, do nothing but could never company their wife for shopping or running errants. I know with that, many wives out there would admire those that loves to shop.

Well, let's not think negative about it or envy others, ... let's think positive... isn't it good that he doesn't follow you wherever you are, and you've all the time and money and personal time to shop till you drop???

Of course, before the end point, the process is equally important... the wife must get the husband sign any supplementary card first... right?? Otherwise, am sure many wives out there wouldn't want to spend their own money. [LOL]

Anyway, hope the husbands out there don't read this post....


Sunday, November 18, 2007


倘若兩夫妻完全沒有溝通的話, 感情就會轉淡, 結果自然而然就會離婚收場。如果雇主與職員沒有溝通的話, 亦同樣會有許多問題出現, 比如雇主與職員關係不和。所以人與人之間必須有些溝通和信任。

為什麼世上無數的男人會有情婦或有許多女朋友, 還是男人比較多情?自古以來, 女人多少比男人苦命了一點。所以也同樣造成這世界上女人要為自己的前途而奮鬥。也因此許多女性被例為強人, 例如緬甸的
翁山蘇姬, 香港的陳方安生, 巴基斯坦的貝娜齊爾布托, 還有其他。

如果, 雙方可以維持信任, 互讓了解, 互相鼓舞, 互相支持, 相信每一對情侶或夫妻都可以白頭皆老。其實婚姻是神聖的, 真正志同道合的夫妻在世界上都會白頭皆老; 而且, 這是一種幸福。

永恒不朽的愛情, 穩定的關係, 這些都是每一對夫妻的必定須要的規則。試問若每對情侶或夫妻可以有牢固的感情基础, 有强烈的家庭責任心。相信分居和離婚率都會減少。

一辈子有一个伴是一件幸福的事情, 就如古人所說的 “死生契闊, 與子相悦; 執子之手, 與子皆老”。

如今太多情侶為了一刹那的歡樂或刺激而忽略了真正婚姻觀念。這也造成許多年輕這一代的離婚率逐漸提高。為什麼我說溝通是重要呢?如果夫妻或情侶之間沒有溝通的話, 也沒有互相支持以及互信任對方, 那麼結婚來幹嗎?


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Do you agree with the author?

A friend forwarded this link to me...

If you understand Mandarin, you'll understand the other meaning of it.

I truely agreed with the author. Don't you?

Elegant Hair Clip

You know when you're too busy and have no time to spend with your love one, honestly do you feel guilty?? Well, I do.... so, what I did was I took a half day off and company him for shopping, for lunch and for a cup of coffee....

Don't know what happen to him, he bought me this hair clip and he finds it nice on me... and guess what??? It costs him RM69.90!!! Oh gosh!!! Isn't that expensive??

The owner told us, all their products are imported from Korea, and quality is excellent. Then, hubby took a look and commented to me that it wasn't that bad, worth buying. But, when I look at the price, honestly I got a shock .... the hair clip is so small, but costs this much. Do we really need to buy it then.

Then, hubby said, I buy for you la!!!!

See, ... that even made me more guilty!! :)

Nice or not, huh???

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Christmas Mood

I know I know.... today is Deepavali Day, and how could I have Christmas mood at this time. But the matter of fact is I am having this mood right now!!

If it's not because of heavy workload, I bet I am half hearted working.... hahahaha....

About a month plus approaching to Christmas, does anyone of you have any Christmas present to prepare?? Are you going for Caroling? A Christmas party? Christmas gathering?? Or stay at home do nothing??

Many working people will probably take a day off on the eve since it falls on Monday and party all night long, isn't it?? And some will take a day off and out from town for a break away.

Looks like this year, am going to spend my Christmas some where else with my family. A break away from the hectic life, a heavy work load stuff.... no blackberry, no emails, no cellphone... that would be perfect for my Christmas holiday!!!

If I could have enough of savings, would have spend this holiday in overseas... unfortunately, I never have the opportunity.

Well, ... I wish I could hear some one out there, tell me how you spend your Christmas ....
ho ho ho..... :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Social issues

I am sad that this kind of social issues did not fully resolve.

Just 1 question that I would really really wanted to find out from these people.... you know they are very poor in their country, thus they are here to look for job, income, etc....
Why don't they make use of the employment opportunity in Malaysia to earn a living but to carry out such crime in our country?

On top of that, they are also raping their own people....

Honestly, am sad about it.... Sad that the government imported so many foreign workers down here and that's what we have in our country - crimes!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Am sick!!!!

After 2 weeks of sore throat... now am down with flu... a bad one.
I looked horrible in the office and beside the point, I have tones of work to complete within the deadline!

Oh Gosh!!! How long can I take this????