Not sure anyone read the breaking news today?
I only have 1 question in mind… why can’t they put the global economy crisis as priority first instead of making all these non-sense??
Aren’t they notice the country has more problems to solve, have employment rate increment to resolve than changing Government.
Why can’t they think like a gentleman with joint forces and get thru this hurdles that the entire world is facing right now??
Seriously, I am so sick of reading the news!! If you know what news that am referring!!
13 years ago
Totally agree... People's needs to serve first(priority) rather than always news of fighting for power-control....
Hi New Kid, how you doin'?
Reading your this post, I guess its 'Power'...'money'.
Having 'power' over people is a kind of stimulant on an egoistic trip for a lot of men.
Look around you at some office managers, CEO's...
closed office doors, designer suits or jackets, name brand neck ties...and the powerful feeling of giving orders, having their staff obeying them subserviently.
Most managers, CEO's are not human beings.
I have experienced many such people...even the odd woman manager.
And Politics the worst kind...only a small percentage become politicians to help people, the country.
Others? Lined their pockets, have palatial homes, beautiful wives, luxury cars, Corporate jets, and all the trimmings.
I'm sure you must have read how these people receive HUGE salary increases....from local MP's to the top. Greed.
But when employees or people seek a raise in wages...they hear about how the Government has no money.
The present Corporate greed in US tells a lot. Get billions from the government in 'bail out money'...supposedly to save their companies from going belly up.
What they do? They the bosses give them selves millions in bonuses....and these are the bosses who led their companies into the red.
To be able to sit in luxury cars, attend official functions, have people behave subserviently while they preach about things they themselves don't observe...thats the 'power' that gives them a high.
A politician will see you before elections, once elected...try and get him on the phone or see him?
It's "I'm sorry, he's having a meeting".
Oh well...come elections, you will know what to do...
You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.
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