Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How would you react when you hear someone announce that they are getting married

How would you react when someone announce that they are getting married?

If it is your close friend, you will definitely congratulate them and give them all the best wishes and blessings.
If it is your acquaintance, you will still congratulate them but with half hearted.

It's always a different between that... and it's very much depend on what position are you in, right?

A friend of mine told me that she's planning to get married this year end. I was happy for her and I was wondering also, first few years of marriage, you'll be having good time, the honeymoon period things like that... what about after married for few years??

Will you all quarrel over money, over in laws, over no time to spend together, etc?

When I first got married, I was kind of enjoying the honeymoon period, unfortunately the honeymoon period wasn't last long and more over due to working stress and that had lead into many arguments and quarrels.

If a couple regardless of married or not married, are not compromising or giving into another party, perhaps that will end up tragedy.

Don't you think so?

Anyway, back to my friend's wedding announcement. She was so happy and sweet over the proposal from her hubby to be, and kept the wedding ring picture in her MSN Messanger. And then, I was asking myself, ... have I ever put my hubby's picture in my wallet? Hmmm... not a single time....

Maybe... I said maybe, ... different age, different generation and different exposure.

If decent young lady first boyfriend that became the husband, honestly to me that has not been exposed enough to the outside world. Not that I encourage everyone to flirt around, but, still that is considering gaining experience, isn't it right?

hahahaha... having said that, every couple should learn how to understand each other needs, stand by each other, compromise as well.... that will definitely build a healthy marriage.

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