Saturday, July 5, 2008

What's your decision?

If the clock can turn back, what would be your decision?

Would you be married to this man?
Would you be remain single?
Would you be studied hard to earn more money?
Would you be continued to stay in this homeland or migrate to else where?
Would you be working in this company?
Would you be hosting a blog?
Would you be bearing a child without a marriage?
Would you be knowing certain friends for life?
Would you be.... would you be??


Lee said...

Hi New Kid, read with interest your this posting. Re marriage, etc.
I guess we choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His, her heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His, her mind shrinks away if he, she hears only the echo of his, her own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.

Whatever it is, we have to look at the forest and not the tree, as our life today is not a dress rehearsal.

I believe the day we were born, our life was already charted by the stars of the future we will be living...
and sometimes life can be like an onion. You peel off one layer at a time and sometimes, we cry.

I love my past, I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer...regrets I have, but too few too mention.

And life, what we have, what we do is but all an experience for better or for not so good, and how we make of it.

You have a nice weekend, New Kid, best regards, Lee.

Coketai said...

I wish I would have a second chance of my life but unfortunately I don't have therefore I look forward and make sure I don't ask myself in the future "What I would do differntly if....!!!!"

Anyway, I don;t know the answer because same question can have different answer depend when I ask myself the question!!


Little Inbox said...

For me, I'll still follow the same path, cuz I have no regret.