Friday, August 22, 2008

Feel so good!!

When I was on my way to work this morning, I could see lots of raining clouds on the sky and the weather was cooling.

I always like such weather, cuz, it doesn’t make one feel so hot and agitated. And I believe right now it’s a season change thus, it rains frequently in Penang.

But what makes feel so good this morning apart from the busy & tight schedule that I have, I love seeing beautiful & clear scenery while I was crossing the bridge. I really do not know how to describe it; it was beautiful, marvellous, amazing, spectacular, anything…

I could see all the lights along the coastal line, I could see all the building lights over the island… it was so nice. And that basically make you feel so good!!

On the other hand, it means… haze has gone away!!! Right?

Now am wondering how long will these clear skies last?? Anyway, who cares about it, though we care so much, things are all beyond our control. So, might as well enjoy what we have right now isn’t it?

Well folks, have a great and pleasant weekend!


Little Inbox said...

I lot of thing to settle during the coming weekend. Won't be able to relax. :(
I have no chance to see the clear sky this morning. It was still dark. Now is raining outside.

New Kid on the Blog said...

Hi Little Inbox, When I cross the bridge, was about 7am. The sky was dark too... But then you could still see the clouds, the sun light... so beautiful.

I do too have lots of things to do this weekend. Wish I could finish most of it. Anyway, wish you have a great and pleasant weekend. :)

24HrMom said...

NK, this morning was really a good weather. I like these kind of weather very much too. Am happy to see that you're well and enjoying life now.

Lee said...

Hi New kid, I have always love Penang, but prefer crossing on the ferry. Love to park my car and watch either shore.
I guess I have travelled on the ferry at all times of the day and 3am too.

Infact a lot of my earlier postings about Penang...I guess Penang ladies had that certain charm and attraction to me, ha ha.

And you know, one of the most beautiful nights of the year is on board a ferry on New Eve's is spectacular seeing fireworks and ships horns going off.
I did a posting, title, 'Just bring your smile', d/d 5/22/08, re Penang. If free take a peek.
Best regards, Lee.

Anonymous said...

good scenery brings good mood, see, today new kid post filled with happiness and joy! that's really great!